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Girls Gun Getaway: Reflecting

By Gabby

From Top: Beth, Julie, Barb, Shelley, Destinee, Marti, Anette, Lacey, Natalie, Gracie
Photos by Julie Golob
the girls

In many recent posts (and in more articles upcoming) you may find that I reference the Girls Gun Getaway, A LOT. The goal is not to make anyone jealous or gain popularity through name dropping.  Obviously, we had an amazing time, but for me, the weekend had a huge impact in an unexpected way.  I learned a great deal about women in general.  In some of my first conversations with each attendee I discovered that many of us had, in our everyday lives, avoided female friendships to a certain degree. Most felt it was the caddy-ness and drama that we were avoiding.  Yet in four days with 10 women, I made 10 great friends and felt no competition or spite on the ranch.

You may ask, how is that possible? And I'll never be able to definitively answer that. I can, however, offer some observations and opinions.

I noticed that all of us walked with a certain air of confidence. Every lady had excellent posture and carried herself as if she knew exactly who she was.  Of course, we can not attribute this to shooting guns, but that was our common ground...

Also, there was a great deal of teaching and sharing with one another on many different levels. 

I received an in depth education on hunting preparation, climbing through barbed wire fences and erecting a ground blind. I gleaned invaluable knowledge from inside the gun industry. We all enjoyed witnessing some impressive cooking skills. I was taught to properly handle shotguns. There was some sharing of skin care and fashion tips. I witnessed the rules and operating procedures for an outdoor range. A few of the girls unknowingly informed me that soft spoken doesn't have to equal meek.  Meeting other bloggers helped me better understand the importance of appreciating ones readers. And of corse, we got a basic, yet up close and personal, education on explosives.

And now, on with the show blog
©2012 ArmedCandy,LLC


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Sass Brass & Bullets
Julie Golob.com
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Packing Pretty

1 comment:

julieg1 said...

:) Still makes me smile thinking about this. #GirlsGunGetaway was simply incredible. Miss you Gabby!

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