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A Girl & A Gun in North Georgia

By Gabby

A Girl & A Gun Women's Shooting League Cumming GALast week I took a long drive up to Cumming, GA to be at a meeting of the women's shooting league, A Girl & A Gun. This is the first chapter of A Girl & A Gun in the state, but more are already in the works. The league was established around the beginning of the year, but this was my first opportunity to meet a group of gun-gals who were also local. The local part was especially exciting to me, since, for the past two years I have been blogging in the southeast, knowing that this region must be crawling with gun-girls, but rarely meeting any.

Their fearless leader, Donna, keeps the meetings focused, but also acts as RSO with a little help from her husband. As an empty-nester, Donna felt that she had the time and the interested circle of friends, and a shooting league was born.

In this meeting the regular business was minimal, but there was plenty to discuss. I brought some new products for them to play with, but I was happy to just be around these women. I felt an instant kinship with the group. Not that it surprised me, but when I began talking to the ladies I was struck by a duality at work.
They are girls! (Not especially athletic, tough, or butch girls.) Girls who want to talk boyfriends, mothers and cooking... then take a break to unload a magazine or two down range.
They are gun people! They can discuss reloading and groupings all night. They show of their latest firearm purchase and discuss holstering options.
Basically, they are ArmedCandy!

Polite Ladies wait their turn to shoot
They are all about supporting each other, answering each other's questions, and cheering-on one another. Mixed into gun talk, was fundraising for a breast cancer walk, swapping of homemade preserves and playing with one member's adorable new puppy, all with the sounds or gun fire muffled through the walls. However, their high comfort level around firearms, is not due to a long standing relationship with shooting. As we sat down to dinner, I discovered that most of the women around me, had only been shooting for a few years each. (So much for the myth that every southern father teaches his kids to shoot.) Each had a different reason for their interest in guns, but whether they sited, husband, ex-husband, or stalker, they are now enjoying a joyful sisterhood with a growing membership.
©2013 ArmedCandy,LLC

1 comment:

Ben said...

yayy gun girls!

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