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Porn = good. Guns = bad, at least according to Google

By Gabby

Porn = good. Guns = bad, at least according to GoogleToday, Google Adsense informed us that ArmedCandy's site contained "sensitive content", therefore they would not be placing ads on our site. Curious about their definition of "sensitive content" I dug deeper.

Google's policy toward weapon-related content:
Google ads are not permitted to appear on sites that sell, facilitate or advocate the sales of weapons and weapon accessories. This includes but is not limited to the sales of ammunition, gun parts, hardware, pistols, rifles, BB guns, sporting guns, air guns, blow guns, and stun guns. This policy also prohibits the placement of ads on sites which sell explosives, including fireworks.
They liken "weapon-related content" to, "violent content", and "other illegal content", which expressly includes: "Underage, non-consensual, or illegal sex acts"! Well, I've got to say, I'm a little offended by this! ArmedCandy is specifically focused on educating those who are curious about guns, empowering women through safe firearms experiences and representing politically moderate gun owners who are under represented in the gun world. Yes, any pro-gun content is an issue under  Google's policy, but I don't believe our content can be likened to rape porn or forcing sexual activity on children!

Further, when one begins to customized their Google AdSense settings, they have the option to "opt-out" of certain types of ads. We were surprised to discover that ad types such as "porn" and "black magic"  were all available options, which we must specifically click, in order to keep them off of our site. From this, we have gathered that Google is happy to take money and run ads for business such as these, but if I even advocate the purchase of a gun, they want nothing to do with me.

Tweet this post's title, to protest!
©2013 ArmedCandy,LLC


Dann in Ohio said...

So... basically... the wife and I were discussing... you can show off your "goods" with Google, just not your "guns"...

Dann in Ohio

William Baker said...

You are absolutely correct. Equation should definitely be porn = good, guns = awesome

Adam Foerster said...

Every day the politically correct becomes less and less linked to logic.

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