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Laserlyte Laser Training System Review

By Gabby

Laserlyte Laser training system reviewed by gabbyThe Laserlyte laser training system has improved greatly from the system I used last year. New targets are smaller and offer two modes. They are better at "registering" shots and now offer many different ways to train. The barrel insert Laser Trainer Pro is great, especially because it can be used in any gun from .35 to .45 caliber. Just don't forget to remove the batteries when you're not using it, or you'll need to go buy new ones. Here's a video review for even more details.

I have no doubt that this system will save you money on ammo and have you more prepared for a home invasion or your next trip to the range.

©2013 ArmedCandy,LLC

1 comment:

ArmedCandy said...

In response to questions about the Laserlyte training system:
the cartridge gets chambered, not put into the muzzle
the LT-Pro is put into the muzzle (and price is $120.95)
Yes, they are gadgets, but please tell me another way to work on accuracy, reaction time, moving while shooting, drawing from holster and dry firing, safely and at home?
The TLB-RT Reactiontyme targets are $175.95 for the set
The blue gun LT-TT is $54.95
(according to the Laserlyte website)

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