The first time I stepped in the range, even with my "earmuffs" in place, I was startled by the noise. Sometimes I still jump at the first shot from a neighboring lane. This is why we need hearing protection. Earmuffs are rated by the decible level they can block. The "passive" kind use padding to block noise and are generally given as high as a 27dB noise reduction rating, the "electronic" ones are more advanced and will have a higher rating. (dB = decibles)
Near total silence - 0 dB
A whisper - 15 dB
Normal conversation - 60 dB
A lawnmower - 90 dB
A car horn - 110 dB
A rock concert or a jet engine - 120 dB
A gunshot or firecracker - 140 dBsource
I have gotten pretty comfortable wearing these inexpensive earmuffs.
I also have these plugs, in pink that have served me well under my earmuffs and alone at an outdoor range.
I also have these double sided ones that I find are just OK.
A tip I learned: wearing plugs & earmuffs does not double up your noise reduction rating. (ie. 21dB plugs + 27dB earmuffs does not add up to 48dB)
Ear plugs will usually be insufficient for indoor ranges. The only earplugs I would trust in an indoor range are these custom silicone ones, but I am yet to try them, so if you have experience with these, please comment. I am also very interested in these becase lately I have been leaving the range with a head ache from my earmuffs squeezing my glasses into the sides of my head.
Just had the silicone's made. It felt really weird...but I think they will be great. Should arrive in a few days, Yay!
I love my custom plugs! I can stay at the range for 2 hours and still not feel the squeeze. They block noise well (rated around 31), but I still jump from large calibers now and then. Since my only quieter option is plugs with earmuffs on top, I'm going to stick with these.
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